
Can Artificial Intelligence help end global poverty?

It is estimated that more than 40% of current jobs are likely to be automated within the next 10-20 years (see robot job automation). This means potentially 40% higher profits for businesses that are able to adopt these automation opportunities. This will result in a drastic shift in our economy, requiring many people to be… Continue reading Can Artificial Intelligence help end global poverty?

Free yourself from tedious tasks at work

Industrial Engineers in Hard Hats.Work at the Heavy Industry Manufacturing Factory.industrial worker indoors in factory. man working in an industrial factory.Safety first concept.

When I started my career in the semiconductor industry, I was elated by all the amazing technology from fast moving robots to ion accelerators which bring atoms to a percent of the speed of light. Part of my job was writing new “recipes” that, much like a cooking recipe, specified what the settings the machine… Continue reading Free yourself from tedious tasks at work